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Neo-Redneck into...Free Speech. NASCAR. NFL. Trivia. Comic books. Nerd propaganda, Geek culture. Biting social commentary, bitching and moaning...WARNING: This is not journalism, mainstream or citizen. Anything presented is flavored by my diseased mind, my frustration and/or my sarcastic wit. Not necessarily in that order. You were warned.

Monday, December 05, 2005

The Smoking Lamp-JLU-2001's JLA #35

TSL #62

JLA #35

"The New Order "

By Curt Fernlund

I was catching up on some reading when time permitted this weekend...and I was glad that this was one of the stories that I chose to read.

I can't believe Curt killed Elongated Man. Didn't he just off Kyle Rayner an issue or two ago? And people call me bloodthirsty. HA!

It makes for an odd juxtaposition vs. what has happened to Ralph and Sue in mainstream DCU.

The body isn't even cold yet and I'm wondering at what J'onn says early in the issue and as to whether he will be asking Sue out after a suitable mourning period has passed.

I liked the showdown with the Society. Cool picks for Society membership.

I cringed hard when Deathstroke delivered the coup d' grace.

Luthor staged it all to send a message to Superman...Wow!

Good stuff.

8.0 out of 10 cigars.


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