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Friday, September 23, 2005

The Smoking Lamp - JLU-2001's JLA #31

Smoking Lamp #52
The lamp is lit...

Imprint: JLU-2001
Series: JLA #31
Author: Curt Fernlund with Plots by Curt Fernlund and Chris Munn
Title: "Enter: The Squadron Supreme" JLA/Avengers Team-Up: Part: Three

The opening with Superman tasting his own blood as Hyperion lays a whipping on him is a powerful scene.

HA! Its funny, Superman standing there taking a pounding from Hyperion thinking that if he doesn't put up a fight surely Hyperion will figure out he's one of the good guys. Yeah, right! Learning that lesson is going to hurt a lot.

Love the coolness of J'onn's character shown here. His coldly calculating the differences in himself and the Skrullian Skymaster.

And, of course, J'onn reaches out to find out what's really going on. Love his assessment comparing and contrasting the Supremes vs. the JLA.

Wasn't Skylark the Golden Bowman's girlfriend? Is she a black widow or what? The American/Blue Eagle is dead. And the Bowman's non-appearance leads me to believe that he is taking a dirt nap too.

Interesting that J'onn doesn't instantly make the connection between Shape's criminal past and Plas's. Of course, his discovery of the Behavior Modification Program threw him for a loop and kept him from delving deeper.

Mindwipes...trouble on the Squadron Earth and in the mainstream DC universe. Good stuff. Nice to see that get touched on here.

I love the way you have Batman assessing Nighthawk against Dick and his feelings on the subject. Wow!

The fight scene between Batman and Nighthawk. I've got just 8 words. Batman is a bad son of a..., but we all knew that. It is just really cool, when its well done.

The Flash vs. Whizzer fight is also a pleasure.

The imagery in this story would have made for great comic book pages.

Going for a "no" prize here...isn't Firestorm trapped in Ronnie's form? Wasn't he dampened by the collision or explosion on the Cosmic Treadmill? He wasn't shown transforming back into Firestorm, maybe I missed it. Or maybe, Ronnie auto-transformed on entering the Squadron's world since the event that forced him to change in the first place took place in the anti-matter universe.

Canary finally finds one of the Squadron members willing to listen and...Batman knocks her out. Canary is going to be pissed.

Shape vs. Plas is terrific and sad. Real sad.

Kyle letting his issues come to the fore and using those pent up frustrations against Spectrum. Nice.

And then, the consequences of going all out when you have the most powerful weapon in the universe on your ring finger. Poor Kyle. Poor everybody.

Wow! No, let me restate that...WOW! Good story. Rich in detail and action. Best one of the crossover so far. The standard just got awfully high for the rest of the crossover.

I give it 10.0 out of 10 cigars.

The lamp is extinguished...Steady as she goes.



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