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Through the Smoke...

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Location: Texas, United States

Neo-Redneck into...Free Speech. NASCAR. NFL. Trivia. Comic books. Nerd propaganda, Geek culture. Biting social commentary, bitching and moaning...WARNING: This is not journalism, mainstream or citizen. Anything presented is flavored by my diseased mind, my frustration and/or my sarcastic wit. Not necessarily in that order. You were warned.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Israel is Right...

Think of it this way, if there were terrorists firing rockets into Texas, New Mexico and Arizona and the Mexican government and Army refused to stop it, there would be US Air Force and Army units taking care of the problem.

The Lebanese should stop Hezbollah from using their territory as shadow sovereignty for their evil acts.

I watched CNN yesterday...how Anti-Semitic is their coverage? Fox News is showing the video from the Israeli Army press conference that show missiles being launched from behind the apartment building that was struck in Qana. Those same images are given short shrift in CNN's coverage.


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