Partition Iraq Now!
The Moons of Alabama plan

Kurd Sellout Watch on the Slate...Should We Partition Iraq?
Partitioning Iraq vs. Allowing the Civil War to Happen via the Washington Post
It's Time to Partition via KurdishMedia
Partition Debate Splits Iraq via the Washington Post
From the University of Texas Libraries Map Collection...

...appears to me that the future of the people now known as Iraqis would be better served if they were three separate countries as opposed to the pseudo federalist country that was created out of a hodgepodge of post-Ottoman Empire British holdings following the World War era.

Kurd Sellout Watch on the Slate...Should We Partition Iraq?
Partitioning Iraq vs. Allowing the Civil War to Happen via the Washington Post
It's Time to Partition via KurdishMedia
Reading this article brings up the idea that the partitioning may lead to further Balkanization into more than three countries.
Partition Debate Splits Iraq via the Washington Post
More recently, Simon Jenkins of The Times of London advocated partition as the last best chance for a minimally decent Western withdrawal. In a May 2006 op-ed titled, "The fantasy is over, we must partition Iraq and get out now," he wrote:
In much of Iraq everything points to a looming conflict between Shi'ites and Sunnis. To all who know these people, this is an utter tragedy, brought on by the coalition's continued presence and its failure to establish order. All recent experience of such conflict, whether in Ulster, Palestine, Sudan or Yugoslavia, sees it resolved into population movement and ethnic cleansing. This is now proceeding bloodily in and round Baghdad. It will bring an awful residue of ghost districts, refugee camps, revenge attacks and safe havens.
In Yugoslavia the solution, abetted by western intervention, was partition. In Iraq America began the same process by guaranteeing de facto autonomy to Kurdistan. That logic must now be followed to its conclusion.
From the University of Texas Libraries Map Collection...

...appears to me that the future of the people now known as Iraqis would be better served if they were three separate countries as opposed to the pseudo federalist country that was created out of a hodgepodge of post-Ottoman Empire British holdings following the World War era.
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