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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The Smoking Lamp #1 - Comic Book Fan Fiction

The Smoking Lamp is a review series aimed at the talented people who are currently writing in mainstream and fan fiction comics. Look for more issues of the Smoking Lamp.

The lamp is lit...

Imprint: Avengers 2000
Series: Solo: On the Run #1
Author: Des Davies
Title: "A Man Walks Into a Bar"

Good to see a story taking place in the aftermath and dealing with
the consequences of the Stark Invasion.

Good dose of anxiety and angst with Solo's past coming to light

I give it 7.5 out of 10 cigars.


Imprint: Avengers 2000
Series: Solo: On the Run #2
Author: Des Davies
Title: "Ain't That a Kick in the Head"

Instead of a direct continuation of the Denver/bar story from last
issue, we jump forward here. Since I read the two issues back to back,
it was a little jarring.

In the first issue, you got the sense that Solo was a tough bastard who
could've taken out the 2 men robbing the bar outside Denver, if the
civilians wouldn't have been in the way...here with the issue starting
after he got the crap kicked out of him is an odd juxtaposition.

I expected a flashback to the kidnapped Mel from the bar in Denver. And
the red and black clad banditos with the Ares manufactured weaponry.

As a standalone/second first issue, this is a good story. Taken in
context with the first issue, it leaves me wondering where we're at and
where we are going. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely along for the
ride, I just wonder.

I give it 7 out of 10 cigars.


Imprint: Avengers 2000
Series: X-Men #3
Author: Wolfert and Lambert
Title: "Empire Rise, Empire Fall, Part Three"

Anything that dwells on the Magneto/Xavier friendship is a good way to
build drama. I like that this references back to Av2K's Avengers #8.
Always love good use of continuity.

"In the end Xavier, it will always be you and I." Promise of future
destiny or a final attack? Hmmm.

HA! Scott has needed that talking to from someone for many, many years.
He still treats his teammates like they are green. It will be nice to
see him take on the role of team leader without the overwhelming
aspects of the leadership which are more properly Professor X's.

Wonder if Rogue is going bad. Hmmm. Does she have a little bit of the
War Stark in her now?

Its a long issue. Giant-Sized X-Men #3, anyone?

Love the creepy feeling. Walking through a foggy Scotland ghost town at
night. Nice atmospherics.

Wow! War Stark is badder assed than first thought. Excellent.

Stark-locks...cool. Definitely gives the story a little more of that
old time zombie movie feel.

In all these years, this might be the first time that I've noticed
Bishop using his mutant ability. I had begun to think that his mutant
ability was to look heavily muscled while at the same time having a
corn cob stuck up his @$$.

The liquid metal aspect of the Stark-locks makes for a very nice visual.

Oh My God! Wicked. I can't believe what you guys did to Warren. Wow!

Banshee and Sunspot and Cable and Richtor...you guys are trying to use
every X-Man, aren't you?

I'd say this needs to be an ongoing series, most definitely.

I give it 9.5 out of 10 cigars.

The lamp is extinguished...Steady as she goes.


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