
...punching on the walls of reality since 2005...
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Through the Smoke...

Free Speech. NASCAR. Trivia. Bitching and moaning.

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Location: Texas, United States

Neo-Redneck into...Free Speech. NASCAR. NFL. Trivia. Comic books. Nerd propaganda, Geek culture. Biting social commentary, bitching and moaning...WARNING: This is not journalism, mainstream or citizen. Anything presented is flavored by my diseased mind, my frustration and/or my sarcastic wit. Not necessarily in that order. You were warned.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Things I Thought I Would Never Say #2

"I'm shaving the hair in my ears."

One morning recently, I was standing before the mirror. My chin covered in shaving cream when Old Man Time reminded me that I'm not as young as I once was.

Peeking out of the fold of my ear was a white hair, a very, very white hair. The damned thing almost seemed to be flourescent.

I tried to pluck it.

This was a very bad idea. It felt like the root of that hair went all the way through my head and down my neck into my shoulder on the other side.

So, okay, I was standing there with my razor in my hand. So, why not.

I reach up, pull the fold of my ear taunt, so I don't slice my ear off, and start shaving the offending follicle.

About this time, I hear a voice ask what I was doing.

I half-turn so I can see who it is in the mirror.

Beautiful 8-year old Abigail is peeking around the corner. She seems extremely interested in what I'm trying to do to my ear.[Note: This will figure again later on in another episode of Things.]

"I'm shaving the hair in my ears," I say and then look at myself dumbfounded as I realized that I had my second "Things I Thought I Would Never Say."

Thank you for reading,


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