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Friday, September 23, 2005

The French Government - Babies for Money or Money for Babies...Read the Article, You'll Get the Idea

The French being the great lovers that they are..., yeah right, have introduced a program that will provide financial awards to families who have a third child in a effort to boost sagging fertility rates.

"We must do more to allow French families to have as many children as
they want," Dominique de Villepin, the Prime Minister of France said.

Uhm, yeah...right.

France's fertility rate is at 1.9 children per woman which is the second highest in Europe, but below the 2-plus needed to prevent population decline.

The Arabic and other non-native populations are rising faster than the French population. Europe could be an Islamist stronghold inside of a generation or two.

I guess it makes sense, but the idea of paying someone to have children seems odd to me.


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