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Thursday, April 21, 2005

Expectorating on Hanoi Jane

A Missouri Vietnam Vet spit on Jane Fonda at a book signing yesterday.

Good for him.

She should have been charged with treason going to a country that we were at war with and playing to the propaganda elements within that country while American soldiers were fighting and dying against said country's soldiers.

At least the celebrities that went to Iraq got the hell out of the way when the bombs started to fall. Maybe some lessons were learned since Vietnam.

Imagine if an American movie star had gone on a tour of Berlin with Hitler in 1942. What do you think would have happened to that person when they returned home?

Jane Fonda disrespected the American soldier, their families and the families of everyone who lost someone in the course of that war.

Without her father having been Henry Fonda, I wonder if she would still be a celebrity.




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