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Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Smoking Lamp -- JLU-2001's JLA #29

Smoking Lamp #46
The lamp is lit...

Imprint: JLU-2001
Series: JLA #29
Author: Curt Fernlund with Plots by Curt Fernlund and Chris Munn
Title: "Prelude: One of the JLA/Avengers Team-Up"

Odd that JLA/Avengers begins with Reed Richards. Cool, but odd. And yes, before anyone jumps me, I know that he is a card carrying Avengers associate member.

Is this Mordechai Midas, the Iron Man villain, or another Midas character? Seems to share some characteristics with the early career of the Mordy.

"He took a long drag from his cigar, stale blue smoke roiling out of every orifice in his golden mask."

Cool visual...but he needs to buy a better class of cigar if its already stale. HA!

Oh-kay. Sort of creepy the way that Midas's relationship with his daughter is. No, not sorta creepy, let's go with very creepy.

And Count Nefaria...excellent!

The "Nefaria reminding Midas that he had fought the X-Men, Avengers and Thor" and "Midas reminding Nefaria that he had lost" would have been a great scene instead of being alluded while Midas is rudimenting on their relationship.

I like the way that you are weaving some of the detritus of the Marvel universe into the story. The old Iron Man armor bought on the black market, I would suspect. The StarCore shuttle recovered from the bottom of Jamaica Bay.

Talia invading the Watchtower for another chapter in the Batman Protocols. These seem to be playing big in both the mainstream DCU and in fanfic these days.

Loads of characterization.

The League lost in time.

Midas and Nefaria about to invade the Negative Zone.

Good stuff.

I give it 7 out of 10 cigars.

The lamp is extinguished...Steady as she goes.



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