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Friday, October 14, 2005

Comic Book Fans, Infinite Crisis and Old Guys(re: Rusty Pistols) vs. Young Guys(Young Guns)

This is a partial and paraphrased transcript of a conversation that I had with Jerry Whitworth on the Return of Everything DC Yahoo Group.

Jerry Whitworth wrote:

I don't mind alternate realities or futures, but I hate the idea
of "it's a
rainy day, let's go to Earth-2749!". And as I stated in a
previous post, I
could live with a couple of Earths that interacted,
but I think going past 4
or so is just getting ridiculous.

The majority of DC Comics stories happened on Earth-1. Today, there is this concept that back-in-the-day stories were written willy-nilly to take place on Earth-J, K, Q, 42, etc. Part of that is due to loose editorial constrictions back then and a later desire by readers and editors to put all the stories in context leading to some of them being reassigned to other worlds. But still by and large, the majority of the stories took place on the main DC Earth.

And I find that for this reason, many older fans seem to put a vibe
out there that I'm not a true DC fan because I didn't like DC before
Crisis. Who knows, maybe I like DC now because they're being a better
Marvel. Truth be told, if their books weren't so bad for my tastes,
I'd probably still be a Marvel Zombie.

Well, I hope that I don't give off that vibe. On the other side of that coin, you have the hard core Silver Age sucks guys who won't give the older fans their due as comic book readers...or the Marvel zombie who walks through the store denouncing everything DC loudly and obnoxiously grabs up his Ultimate Spider Man and scampers off to...I'll leave the rest of that one blank. I met the last guy in the shop I frequent a couple of weeks ago in Irving, TX. If he acts and reacts to other people the way he does in the comics store, he is out there giving all comics fans a bad name.

But I digress, the outcome of Infinite Crisis, if DC sticks to their guns, is going to lead us to a new status quo. And those fans who came into DC Comics either as a result of Crisis or in the immediate Crisis aftermath may find themselves in the same position that many of us, Silver Agers, did back-in-the-day...that of having to learn your favorite character all over again.

The only advice I can give you is to buckle up cause it should be interesting. Some of the things we see will no doubt be amazing and some will fall flat on their ass. All we can do is hope the good outweighs the bad.

But it is a great time to be a comics fan.



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