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Friday, September 02, 2005

The Smoking Lamp - DCH's Cliff #1 - 5

And now a very special Smoking Lamp. For our 50th edition, we are smoking DCH's Cliff #1 - 5 by Gary D.

Smoking Lamp #50
The lamp is lit...

Imprint: DC Heroes
Series: Cliff #1 - 5
Author: Gary Dreslinski


I like the introspective first person style of the story.

I love the line, "fixing the car is like fishing for grease monkeys." Very nice.

I'm guessing that Cliff thinks that's a figment in the Cliff-hanger. Sorry, I know, bad pun. It would freak me out, but then I'm not Robotman. Placed against the inner monologue from the grocery checkout line, I wonder if it is a figment. I wonder how much of this he is imagining.

I like the short serialized form. But at base, I am an action junkie and can't wait to see where this goes.

I give it 6.0 out of 10 cigars.

#2-Conversation with the Supposed-to-be-Dead

Love the snide feel to the exchange between Cliff and Arani. Married people and the previously married should recognize the tone. Great job.

Mechanized-American. HA!

The second issue leaves me with the feeling that Arani is bait to draw people to the Uncreator. Hmmm.

I give it 6.5 out of 10 cigars.


Love the checklist as a kickoff point. Excellent.

"...you can never tell when it comes to obnoxious people suddenly coming back to life. They have a habit of making it all about them." I like that line.

Oh God! HA! That's great. The Uncreator. Duh, duh, duh! Splat! HA!

Feels like you were channeling Doug Adams with the line, "All things considered, him being squashed was best for all concerned."

Hmmm, shooting missiles out across the planet he just saved...not good.

Holy crap! To this point the story was almost Seinfeld-ian with the tone the last thing I expected was the General putting in an appearance. Good show.

I give it 8.5 out of 10 cigars.


Okay. General Immortus smelling like rotten cheese is a class "A" smirk.

And the Arani-clone goes away and leaves him alone. Hmmm, not in character for the snide, argumentative, hyper-intelligent ex-wife of the Chief. She'll be back.

She was beautiful. Hmmm, let me guess...'57 Chevy? '34 Ford? '68 Mustang GT500?

Seems like you caught your stride here in #4. The pace and feel has definitely picked up.


Hmm. So its not a car. Crazy Jane appears. And a Danny the Street mention...excellent.

Jane the Street recoiling from Robotman because she isn't ready to see him. Damn that would make a great comic book image.

Looks like Jane is afraid of feeling or afraid of what seeing Cliff's feelings manifest may mean for her in her form as Jane the Street. After all, he is a part of her Crazy Jane days.

Oh shit! Great ending. At the end of #3, you threw me with a tone shift. Well, you nailed me again here at the end of #5. Can't wait to see what happens next.

If you haven't read this series, go do it. Definitely worth the time.

I give it 7.5 out of 10 cigars.

The lamp is extinguished...Steady as she goes.



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