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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

John McCain wants more Indian Casino regulation

Senator John McCain is pushing for new regulation on the Indian Casino Gaming Industry. Specifically, he is worried about the bingo-related slot industry, which is different from normal slots. Click here for the story.

Considering that Cadi and I make a pilgrimage to Winstar in southern Oklahoma about once a month, I don't particularly like this. Winstar has bingo-based slots and from personal experience I can tell you that regardless of what John McCain believes bingo-based slots are looser and therefore more fun to play than standard slot machines.

Leave the Indians alone. We've screwed with them enough. As long as they aren't stealing from their patrons, let them run their businesses. And I am a very satisfied customer of Winstar Casino in southern Oklahoma, Exit 1 off of I-35 just over the Texas border.

Thank you,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Leave the Indians alone. We've screwed with them enough. As long as they aren't stealing from their patrons, let them run their businesses."

Wondered if you still feel the same way on this subject now that a year plus has past? The Winstar in particular has been found to be the leader in stealing, lying, cheating and simply fucking anyone and everyone entering the circus tent casino. News documents, writeups, tons of customer complaints & accounts, employee attested. Lie about the ante in blackjack, the rack in holdum, mislead jackpot amounts, disallow wins, manipulate slots, cut power,. They have been chocking the players so badly lately that there greed was becoming obvious to the lest experienced player. To where the Winstar has resorted to announcing false and madeup jackpot wins over the PA system in an attempt to make people think there are winners. Damn funny no one sees one. With 2,100 slots being played everone in the place should at least witness a jackpot win during there time there but you won't. This place gives the casino business its terrible reputation there is no win in winstar

3:51 AM  
Blogger Mark "Puff" Anderson said...

When word of the fraud came out, Cadi and I had made our last trip to Winstar.

As I stated in the original post, "As long as they aren't stealing from their patrons, let them run their businesses." The jackpot was stolen from the one guy and, if the stories are true about false jackpot announcements, then, that's a bait and switch tactic as well.

There does need to be some regulatory influence, but the laws governing fraud should cover it. True in instances where this happens on Indian Tribal Lands, it will have to go before the Tribal Court and when one of the plantiffs is the specific Indian Nation who runs both the casino and administers the Tribal Court, I'm not sure how that would work. If there is a conflict of interest, does the case go to a higher authority, and if so, who would that be?

What worried me then and continues to worry me now, is/was over-regulation.

Winstar took a big step toward killing the golden goose in my opinion. And if the media paid attention to the fraud instead of, basically, helping the casino owners sweep this under the rug, it would be far more likely to move toward a resolution.

Mark "Puff" Anderson

9:36 AM  

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