
...punching on the walls of reality since 2005...
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Through the Smoke...

Free Speech. NASCAR. Trivia. Bitching and moaning.

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Location: Texas, United States

Neo-Redneck into...Free Speech. NASCAR. NFL. Trivia. Comic books. Nerd propaganda, Geek culture. Biting social commentary, bitching and moaning...WARNING: This is not journalism, mainstream or citizen. Anything presented is flavored by my diseased mind, my frustration and/or my sarcastic wit. Not necessarily in that order. You were warned.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

POW! ZOOM! To the Moon...

$100 Million! To go to the Moon on a small cramped Russian spacecraft.

$100 Million! To spend between 12 and 21 days cramped up in a space that one astronaut described as like being in a Men's Room.

$100 Million! Some people have too much money.

Yes, its the moon. Yes, it would be cool. Yes, if I had the money to waste, I'd go.

But think of the extreme differences you could make in life on Earth for your family, friends and people you don't even know.

$100 Million! I think I could find something more comfortable to do with that kind of money.

Two weeks in a flying rest room doesn't sound very cool to me.


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